Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, October 26, 2009
It’s a hassle to bring the family to the mall for holiday pictures,
especially when the kids are active, or you want to include your pet
in the photo. The backgrounds and props are limited and your pictures
end up looking like other people’s.
>So this season, we want to offer you another option:
Invite us over to your home where we can create a very personalized
photograph of your family with your favorite items & pets. You can
include your instruments, gear, antiques, equipment, and special items
in the picture with you. The holidays are ideal because everyone will
be home.
It takes about an hour and you get to keep the digital pictures (try
asking for the digital files at the mall). The kids can relax at
home until they are needed to step into the picture. Best of all, this
is professional photography brought to the convenience of your home.
This type of portrait is not for everyone. But if you are adventurous,
fun, and just plain nostalgic, then we want to work with you.
Here are some examples of family portraits:
Here’s the “Fine Print”
- We’ll shoot for about 30 minutes, creating various group combinations
- We’ll use some area of your home, or nearby, as the background but
- we can also bring a cloth background.
- We’ll transfer all the photos to your computer before we leave
- You can order professional prints & holiday cards online if you
- prefer not to print them yourself
- Photo retouching is available at $5 per image, with delivery within a few days
- This offer expires January 31, 2010
Call Carlton or Ann to schedule your appointment:
Carlton: 781-275-0923 (Bedford, MA)
Ann: 508-887-1460 (Worcester, MA)
Thanks for your help and business referrals this holiday season!
-Carlton & Ann
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Originally uploaded by carltonsoohoo
My friend Kaman is a make up artist and she asked me to go over to her apartment and shoot some head shots of herself. When I arrived, I saw there was no room to shoot. I didn't know Boston apartments could be so small. It's a good thing that I don't need much space to set up for up to 3/4 body. And amazingly, we set up the backdrop and lights in the narrow kitchen space.
If you need a make up artist for your wedding, model shoot, etc., feel free to contact me and I'll get you in touch with Kaman.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Originally uploaded by carltonsoohoo
My friend Susan is a marketing communications expert and she is helping me with a business plan for my Virtual American Revolution project.
She can be found on the Web at http://www.clevergirlcomm.com/. And she is so much fun to chat with. I learned she did work for Legoland in California.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
TV Diner with Billy Costa

TV Diner with Billy Costa
Originally uploaded by carltonsoohoo
My friend John Sullivan was a contestant on TV diner, hosted by Billy Costa.
John is sitting at the bar on the far left behind the Pearl Vodka bottles.
The location was Lucia Lighting & Design in Lynn, MA. http://www.lucialighting.com/. The segment is called "Drink this". John made an amazing keylime martini.
Another 200 photos from this event can be seen here on my SmugMug gallery.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Carlton Headshot for Vday performance

Carlton Headshot
Originally uploaded by carltonsoohoo
This self-portrait head shot of me was taken for a VDAY benefit performance of A Memory, A
Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer: Writings to Stop Violence Against Women and
Local activists and volunteers will present a dramatic reading at the Harvey
Wheeler Community Center in West Concord (1276 Main St. Entrance and parking
off of Church St.) Mature themes not appropriate for young children.
Performance dates are Saturday, March 7 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, March 8 at 4
pm. Seating is open and doors open a half hour before the performance.
Tickets are $15 in advance and may be purchased at Debra's Natural Gourmet
on Commonwealth Ave in West Concord or online at www.networkforwomenslives.org
Monies raised will benefit The Domestic Violence Services Network, a local
organization working to end domestic violence and also Women and Girls of
the Congo - which is this year's VDAY spotlight campaign. More information
about VDAY can be found at www.vday.org
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Originally uploaded by carltonsoohoo
Dave is an improv actor in Boston. I hope you catch him in some performance some day.